Quality Gate: What is and how to configure it
Note that notifications are sent only when the Quality Gate status changes from Passed to Failed, or from Failed to Passed. Since SonarQube 7.6, operator is always defined by the system and there is no warning threshold.
- With this quality gate in place, we can ensure that builds that do not meet our quality criteria won’t make it into production.
- Since SonarQube 7.6, operator is always defined by the system and there is no warning threshold.
- Read on for my explanation of what a quality gate is, what’s needed to define a quality gate, and how to use a quality gate.
- By keeping an eye on the quality gate you can quickly judge the status of your code and decide on what to do next.
- It shouldn’t be disruptive or require the developers to become code quality and security experts.
For pull requests, the quality gate will also be displayed in the repository platform as a pull request decoration. (4) Towards quality gates in continuous delivery and deployment by Schermann, G. (2) Achieving total project quality control using the quality gate method by Aaron et alii (1993) [2] is available under Project Rimms. One quality gate for each transition from one project phase to another
See section Phasing Quality Gates and Objectives. See the Defining quality gates section below for more information on defining conditions.
Learn how to use Prometheus data to write Service Level Objective based quality gates in your CI/CD pipeline.
When the desirables and the outcome are not clear it is hard to define quality criteria, which is necessary to control at the quality gates and must be defined when setting up a project. Quality gates are a comparable form of the stage gate model and also other phase gate models. It is suggested to separate projects in terms of quality gates into the four different categories of planning, design, development and deployment.
Milestones thus facilitate both project planning and project implementation or control. Only when predefined quality criteria have been met the subsequent project phase can be approved. You could, for instance, integrate quality gates into your pull request (PR) process.
There’s really no easier way to manage workload for your team.
This ‘nested’ approach gives you the best of both worlds – the Copy QP allows you to enforce organizational-wide standards and the Extend QPs let you get more granular for teams. Because of the way inheritance is set up, you only have to periodically sync the parent Copy profile and the updates will cascade to the Extend QPs. The example below shows how you can nest Quality Profiles to fit your team’s needs.
Once you know your important SLIs, you can specify your Service Level Objectives (SLOs) for the SLIs. Specific SLOs are highly dependent on the services that they’re used for, and Keptn gives you the means and extended capabilities to define SLOs. The Sonar way quality gate places a minimum requirement of an A rating on Reliability, Security and Maintainability, a minimum requirement of 50% Coverage and a maximum of 3% Duplicated Lines of code. A quality gate can have conditions on new code, conditions on overall code, both, or neither (though such an empty quality gate is not particularly useful, as it will always report a status of Passed).
Implementing SLI/SLO based Continuous Delivery Quality Gates using Prometheus
Quality gates are predefined milestones where a project is audited to see if it meets the necessary criteria to move into the next phase. Quality gates — which are also called “QGs” — are an important component of formal project management procedures used by larger organizations. The quality gate applies only to the actual code that was changed in the pull request. It can be set to prevent the merging of the pull request branch into its target branch if the analysis results do not meet your requirements. When you consider that quality gates must be reevaluated with each new deployment of a release (or on an ad-hoc basis), it’s clear that automation is key to success. Look at the image below taken from Thomas Steinmaurer’s Continuous Performance Validation — you can see that extensive evaluation, spanning multiple metrics, is performed daily.
SonarCloud is designed to be integrated into your daily development workflow so that analysis results are surfaced as early as possible each time you make changes to your code. The focus is on catching issues early http://dvui.ru/odzson_rukovodsvo_kluba_i_igroki_na_oey_sorone.html in the cycle before they become embedded in the codebase. Once an organization administrator has made a new quality gate available in your organization, you can select that quality gate for use in your project.